Day and Night Skylights.

Glass Roof Window Skylights – Brisbane / Sunshine Coast / Gold Coast

Job: To supply and install roof window style skylights, for the purpose of achieving natural light in dark areas with the option of having them operable to also achieve additional ventilation.

Locations: Brisbane – Sunshine Coast – Gold Coast (and all areas in between)

Whether you require extra light and/or ventilation in your kitchen, your hallway, your bathroom or any other living area within your home, it may be worth considering our glass ‘roof window’ style skylights. Not only do they freshen up your home with natural light and ventilation, they look amazing anywhere within the home.

TV in Attic Storage.

Home Storage Solutions Qld (Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast)

Job: To transform an area of the roof space into a dust proof storage room with attic windows for light and ventilation.

Location: Toowong, Qld.

This attic transformation was completed by Roof Space Renovators’ back in November / December 2014, however unfortunately we didn’t end up taking before and after photos. The client recently contacted us for further quotes on separate renovation projects, therefore we were able to revisit and take photos of the project we completed almost 2.5 years ago.

House with Finished Attic Install.

Home Storage Ideas Queensland (Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast)

Are you unsure if you have sufficient space within your roof to use for storage? READ ON……..

Job: To create a large, practical in-home storage solution in the roof space of this Kallangur home.

Location: Kallangur, Qld.

Changed family circumstances forced this Kallangur homeowner to require more space within the living areas of his home. Not wanting to rent space in a storage shed or container and in order to keep his items stored within his own home, he opted to contact Roof Space Renovators’ for an in-home consultation to find out if he can make use of the unused space within his roof.

Attic Ladders in Showroom.

Pull Down Attic Ladders – Queensland (Why Choose Roof Space Renovators?)

An ‘Attic Ladder’, often called an ‘access ladder’, ‘pull down ladder’, ‘ceiling ladder’, ‘attic stairs’, ‘roof ladder’ or ‘loft ladder’, offers a convenient and safe way to gain access to your roof space for whatever purpose you require. If you are in the market for an Attic Ladder and have begun your research, you may have come across numerous online stores, such as ‘Ebay’ and ‘Renovator Store’. Or you may have noticed that Bunnings also sell them. So why choose to purchase your attic ladder from Roof Space Renovators? To this question, we have several answers: